Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Artificial Intelligence and Big Data: more convergence than divergence

No talk about technology today is complete or meaningful without a reference to two of the technologies that have the potential to make effective changes into our future: Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Big Data. Among the prime technologies that will shape our future; Artificial Intelligence and Big Data are different from each other in that they are fully developed disciplines by themselves.
Yet, they need to converge and coordinate with each other for one to help realize the potential the other has. Although they carry their innate differences and uniqueness; they need to be utilized in the right measure if their full power is to be realized. In this blog, let us try to discover how the two technologies help businesses take better informed and insightful decisions when they work together.
AI and Big Data need each other in fundamental ways
The best way of understanding the differences between AI and Big Data is that the more they differ from each other in terms of their features and functionalities; the more they converge in terms of their uses for organizations. To help us understand how, it is necessary to first get a very brief understanding of these two technologies:
In simple terms, Artificial Intelligence is the use of technology to help machines think like humans. AI enables them to go beyond basic functions such as calculation and makes them draw inferences and conclusions using data supplied to them, much the same way humans do. AI uses two disciplines, namely Machine Learning and deep learning, to perform its functions.
Big Data, as the term suggests, is the accumulation of the data that AI needs to perform its functions. AI cannot work in a vacuum and needs data to carry out its functions. Big Data collects huge amounts of data from the www in various forms and sizes through its own method, which per se has nothing to do with Artificial Intelligence. Yet, all of this can be of tremendous use for organizations when analyzed and used rightly, something that only Artificial Intelligence enables.
Less independence, more dependence
From this simple fact, it becomes clear although Artificial Intelligence and Big Data are independent of each other in one sense, they are indispensable to each other if they have to help organizations derive the most of them. Artificial Intelligence in itself cannot realize its full potential without data, and Big Data cannot bear fruition unless it has AI to help it do the same.
So, when it comes to analyzing how Artificial Intelligence and Big Data are related to each other, it is clear that in spite of their singularity; they both need each other to maximize and optimize their individual abilities, none of which can function or be realized without the other. To give a small example, let us say we want to better the performance of cars by using AI. This is perfectly possible, but how? AI needs lots and lots of data to understand how cars function. Or, what kind of intelligence will AI provide to a retail business, to use another example, if it has no idea of what it is analyzing? In both instances, it is Big Data that provides the inputs. It is thus abundantly clear that Artificial Intelligence and Big Data complement each other.
Want to learn more about these two wonderful technologies? Simpliv has the answer. In particular, its courses on Artificial Intelligence and Big Data are designed keeping you in mind! Do visit these links, which will put you on the course to a promising career in these growing areas of technology.
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