Tuesday, February 4, 2020

GIT & GITHUB: Learn About Its Benefits In DevOps And Cloud Platforms

What is Git?

Git can be defined as an open-source distributed version control system tool. It is free and can handle projects of virtually any size quickly and accurately. It owes its creation to Linus Torvalds, who did it in 2005 in the process of developing Linux Kernel. In terms of the core parameters needed for a tool, Git has it all: it is functional; it performs well, is secure and flexible. In other words, it has what is needed by most teams and individual developers.
Using Git, teams can work seamlessly and synchronously, with all the team members being able to use the same files.
Yet, Git can make all this happen without confusion at any user’s end when more than one person is working on the same files for editing.
 There are many ways it can be set up and configured, but at my job, here’s how we use it: when a new employee starts, he downloads all the files from GitHub, which is an online service we’re all connected to.
  • Version control software
  • Open-source 
Goals of GIT
  • Simple
  • speed
  • Non-linear
  • distributed
  • Large 

What Are the Benefits of Git?

Git has several key benefits, some of which are these:
Historical Change Tracking – Git enables a user to review the history of their commits, that is, how they have changed. This is shown via a graph, with which the user can also analyze when these changes were made, and by whom. It is also possible to go back to a previous commit if necessary. The advantage of this kind of feature is that identifying and fixing bugs is a lot simpler.
Working as a Team – Git also makes it possible for a user to share the code with other members of the team so that they can validate it before committing or merging back to the main working branch. Additionally, the branching and review capabilities enable simultaneous development. Multiple people can work on the same file and resolve differences later.
Availability and Redundancy – Git being a distributed VCS, nothing is stored in a centralized, single location. This gives it the advantage of a distributed system, which is that backups are readily available whenever one needs them. Because of this feature, the user can work offline and then get online only to carry out the changes.
Git Is the Industry Standard – Git’s popularity has soared to such an extent that many integrated development environments (IDEs) and many popular developer tools including AWS Code Commit, Jenkins, and Travis support it. Git comes with several free resources, notable among which is the Git open-source page.

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